Winslow Township Before & After School Program 20 Cooper Folly Road, Atco, NJ 08004 (856) 767-2850 x7531 The Winslow Township Before & After School Program Office is located within the Winslow Township School District Shared Services Building at 20 Cooper Folly Road, Atco, NJ 08004. This location is situated between the Winslow Township High School and Middle Schools. Please be sure to look for sign or call the number above for directions. Thank you.
Two Hour Delayed Opening – BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CHILDCARE PROGRAM: In the event of a two hour delayed opening, there will be NO AM Childcare. The after school program will operate on a normal schedule. WTBASP Mission/Vision The Mission of WTBASP’s Programs are as follows: The mission of Winslow Child Development is to provide childcare in a safe, nurturing and fun environment. WCD provides students with the opportunity to complete homework and/or participate in our educational power half hour, play independently or participate in structured activities designed to promote their physical and social development. The Vision of WTBASP’s Programs are as follows: